Annual Fund
Booster Club Fund
Booster Club Fund
The mission of the STM Athletic Booster Club is to support our athletes and coaches, build our community, and fuel the passion for competition and fitness.

Donating financially or by volunteering to the STM Athletic Booster Club, you can help provide students with the resources they need to excel in sports and stay active. The money raised through donations will be used to purchase new equipment, improve athletic facilities and support students who want to participate in sports but may not have the means to do so. This is a great way to provide all students with the same opportunities to learn teamwork, embrace physical fitness, and compete with class.

~Ensure sports participation is financially feasible through its athletic fee assistance program for students.
~Fund the purchase of new uniforms and equipment for sports teams.
~Sponsor training opportunities and resources for coaches.
~Supplement the Athletic Fee budget to cover the fees for referees, maintenance costs, and other athletic expenses.
~Invest in capital improvements to the athletic facilities.
~Organize events to bring students, parents, and families together as a community.
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